I just wanted to introduce you to a site called 'mydeco'. I happened upon it while in search of
an easy online site that I could use to create floor plans. A few years ago I purchased a program when I was designing the interior of my husband's animal hospital. It was called 'Punch-Interior Design'; appropriately named because in attempting to learn how to use it, I wanted to punch my computer over and over and over again!!!! I never did master it. I tried again about a month ago, came close to punching the computer and my husband, then gave up!!!!
Now, I know that I should learn how to use a more sophisticated design program and fully intend to do so, but for the time being 'mydeco' suits me fine. Basically there are items that can be purchased or can just be arranged in a floor plan . The floor plan can be viewed both aerially in 2D or side on 3D. The colours and styles of both the hard and soft furnishings may not be spot on, but I have been able to create facsimiles that help my clients better visualize what their rooms will look like.
I am on the hunt for an easy to use click and drag floor plan/furniture placement program that can be personalized more than can mydeco . I have heard that Icovia and HGTV are two easy to use programs, but reviews suggest otherwise for the HGTV program . The Icovia reviews are hot and cold.
Unlike mydeco which is free, Icovia and the HGTV design program cost money.
Any suggestions???????
So enjoy mydeco . I don't think you'll feel the urge to punch. All you have to do is click and drag. I'm sure your designs will garner Rave Re:views!!
I'm off to Toronto to visit family and friends so I probably won't be posting again until the end of next week. Be careful.... clicking and dragging can become addictive.
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