I'm back. Had a wonderful 2 week visit with Lauren and Zacori in Rome and London respectively. I love little Halifax but Rome took my breath away and London... well London is an endless city of spice and colour. No longer staid and stuffy, a melange of fashions that range from quiet sophistication to wild and wacky cram its streets and underground.
While the goal of my blog is to demonstrate how high end design can be created using a mid to low range budget, I may deviate from the intended theme in my next few entries so that I can share with you some of the finds I stumbled upon as I strolled the streets of two extraordinary cities.
RED - My favourite colour in the whole world. Mezmorizing, Red has the power to stop me in my tracks. It penetrates my being. Medicinal, its searing heat is painfully comforting . Red brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes.
On our first full day in Rome my daughter took us to the highly popular Porta Portese Sunday market. Confronted by an endless sea of wares, I began Roming and at the first table my eyes were immediately drawn to the ......... yes.......to the tomato red ashtray. Red loves to be noticed. See how she pops out in a crowd. Like a magnet, she draws us in.
Tables were brimming with -antiquities and their likenesses- retro and current treasures- some valuable some not. As I Romed the stalls I decided to record redness -more specifically retroredness which later expanded to redness in furnishings and then to all manner of redness both in Rome and London.
Are you reddy ? Let's Rome the market.
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