A couple of weeks ago, a staging job unexpectedly fell into my lap . I was both elated and exhausted before the job had begun. A friend and I had joined a Wednesday morning hiking group. Our former principal, Connie, and her sister-in-law, Rayeanne, were in the group as well. On the morning of our second trek, which was to be a 10K trek, Rayeanne informed me that her home was on the market and that the photographer was coming to take pictures for the MLS site upon her return. She asked me to take a quick walk through and wanted my opinion. While the house had good bones and I could see that it was move in ready, the over abundance of furnishings would not allow the average buyer to see what I, a trained stager, could see. It needed to be edited and showcased before any enticing photos could be taken .
Home Staging an occupied property is a 3 step process : STEP 1 The Consultation, STEP 2 The Prep Work, STEP 3 The Showcasing. Normally I would arrange for a consult during which time I would tour the property planning for Steps 2 and 3. After the consult and before the Showcasing , the prep work would have to be carried out. Clients would undertake the prep work on their own or with my help. With the prep work completed, I would return to the property to ' ice the cake'. The Consultation and Showcasing are carried out on two separate days. The number of days needed to complete the prep work is dependent upon the amount of work that needs to be done. I invite you to check out my web site for a more detailed explanation of the Home Staging process along with my philosophy and approach to preparing properties for the real estate market. www.ravereviewhomestaging.com
What has this got to do with 'flipping' you are probably asking yourself. I'm getting there. Don't flip out on me!
What would normally have occurred in 3 days was undertaken in a record 7 hours. There was no time to preplan. The photographer was rebooked for the next afternoon. In spite of the fact that my aching legs could barely hold me up after our 10 k walk, we dove right in. Dave with his painful cough was a trooper. He ferried furnishings across the bridge at least 4 times that day. Rayeanne never blinked an eyelash as I told her what to do. Belongings got packed up, nail holes got plugged up , chipped walls got touched up and closets got tidied up The consultation, prepwork and showcasing happened on the run and I am proud to say that instead of chaos Rayeanne, Dave and I performed a symphony of sorts.
Upon my arrival , there had been a good number of side tables and plant stands in the house almost all of which I had Dave remove . While the sofa was in need of a side table, none of the ones sent to storage fit the bill. Scouring the house for a suitable table, I found what I was looking for in the basement . An over sized basket, table height, that I knew would fit perfectly. Rayeanne and Dave had been planning to dispose of it. How true is the old saying 'one woman's garbage is another woman's treasure! I grabbed the basket and raced upstairs. It's amazing how quickly my weary legs sprung to life as my brain filled with thoughts of flipping.
And VOILA! That big over sized basket that was about to be tossed was the perfect flip!
Beyond exhausted, at the end of the day I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment. New to Home Staging, my confidence needs bolstering and bolstered it was as day turned into night.
This, my second official staging job which fell into my lap last minute, did not crush me! I learned that I can function under pressure and create move in ready properties that will garner Rave Re:views.
Jobless for the moment, and still in need of some confidence building, especially after hearing that a number of my fellow members in Home Staging Atlantic were unable to make the last session because they had to meet with clients and that one stager even has 3 jobs on the go, I know I will get there. I'll keep you posted.
My husband and I are heading to Rome next week to visit our daughter Lauren and then on to London to spend time with Zachary and Cori, our son and daughter-in-law whom we affectionately refer to as Zacori. Lauren will finish the portfolio section of my website after which you will be able to see the fruits of my labour including Rayeanne and Dave's transformed property.
Keep on flipping!
"Till next time.
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